Jonno Revanche

Living vicariously through you
Everything taken from
Us while stillbirthed as
Illegible girls, we’ve
Got to make up for now as lost
time, really grown, life-size people –
Full and tenderoni, looking over
Our shoulders, at prism flashes
Left behind. Aggrieved parents
Not unlike ghosts fogging around
Us, trying to ring out older names
At some point, conveniently forgetting
– Blank wages are ours to own now.
I’m over this scrimmage, this
Ghostly tenure – all I long to
See is Arcadia, in the arms of a sister.
Our heaviness either goes
recognised as unsalvageable –
Bodies all too burdened for
this Modern place
No, we won’t be blacked out;
Untenable to some, but
Grab your sheetmusic: I hear the sound of
Lush Square Enix RPG type fields and songs, a
- bell ringing –
Distant beyond vision –
And, honestly?
we’ve got
it all